Friday, January 28, 2011

The Speed of Sound

     These days we pay for everything, but at the same time, we pay for nothing. People don't buy seasons of shows as much anymore, because they can watch them on the internet. Why buy music when you can get it from the internet? Sure, they sell those things on the internet, but whether it's legal or illegal, there's usually a way to get whatever you're after—for free.
     The sound effects industry is really no different. Google "free sound effects," and you'll end up with 61 million or more results. One example is The site boasts: "You may use the sound effects on this web site free of charge in your video, film, audio and multimedia productions." Someone creates these sound effects. Will they eventually be out of a job because no one is paying to use their work? We'll see. It's a changing world, and the Internet is a big part of that.

Friday, January 21, 2011

How Sound Effects the Movies

     In past years, directors didn't worry about incorporating music into their films until near the end of the process. Now, however, directors are beginning to think of music as not only a background element, but also as a part of the sound effects in a film. For that reason, composers are now responsible for the better part of the background sounds of many modern movies. One good example of this is "Tron: Legacy." Addison Teague, the supervising sound editor said, "There are times in this movie when it may not be clear if music or sound effects are responbile for what you are hearing. It doesn't matter. All that matters is the sound is enhancing the escape for the audience."

Friday, January 14, 2011

Is creativity dead?

     Are you one of those people who can usually predict the end of a movie? When you're reading a book, have you ever gotten a sneaking suspicion that you've heard this story before, even though it's supposed to be brand new? In the article "The Plot of the Book - How to Write a Plot," John Gardener contends that "After all these years of published books and reams of short stories, there's little likelihood of your finding a new plot. You simply have to discover new ways of dealing with an old plot." (
     First of all, these days producers are remaking movies multiple times, even just a few years apart. For example, the story of "The Hulk" became a movie in 2003, and then it was remade in 2008. The same goes for "True Grit," which came to theaters just recently. Also, many movies are based on books, video games, and comic books. And finally, authors and screenplay writers alike are oftentimes simply "stealing" each other's ideas. Is creativity dead? It remains to be seen.